Tendências de TROY

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Perigos ocultos do toner MICR não seguro nos serviços bancários

How treacherous is the banking and financial sector? In 2022, approximately $4 billion was stolen due to fraud. A further breakdown of the medium of fraud used to steal from..

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Garantir a segurança das transacções governamentais: Impressão MICR no sector público

Government transactions have always been a target for fraudsters who exploit hidden loopholes within the system to steal. The recent American Rescue Plan developed in 2021 to..

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empresário frustrado-imprimindo-cheques
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Quanto custa realmente a impressão de um cheque?

Most companies are not experts when it comes to printing checks, and one small mistake could cause a bank to reject a payment. TROY customers don't have to worry about this, as..

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