Acessibilidade da receita médica em dias (sem seguro e com seguro insuficiente)

Due to the overwhelming necessity in the fight against prescription hesitancy and abandonment, TroyRx has introduced a solution that collects zero PHI or PII and has hospitals saving their patients money on their medications in as little as one day.

Canonsburg, PA. (November 18, 2022) – TroyRx, a healthcare technology company set to improve the patient prescription experience for the uninsured and underinsured, announced today the official launch of its lite version of the popular medication affordability program, OptionRx. Introducing the OptionRx Silver Program (Print).


With the OptionRx Silver Program (Print), hospitals and health system providers can offer OptionRx, a popular medication affordability program designed to help those without insurance (or with high deductibles) save money on their medications in as little as one day. The OptionRx Silver Program (Print) gives patients the best price options and information on their medications without requiring the use of their protected health information (PHI) or personally identifiable information (PII).




Research shows that the number one reason for prescription hesitancy and abandonment is affordability. And with the 2021 implementation of the Hospital Price Transparency law, doctors and healthcare networks looking for quick ways to leverage your patients’ lifetime values, reduce readmission rates, and improve HCAHPS scores at no cost look no further.


The OptionRx Silver Program (Print) delivers information (including medication affordability options) and resources that educate, motivate, and empower patients to get on and stay on their medications without the worry of inflated costs. Plus, with available resource branding opportunities, the OptionRx Silver Program (Print) is just another way hospitals and health systems can embody an image of great care long after their visit(s).

For more information on the OptionRx Silver Program (Print), or to see what this program can look like for your hospital or health system and what your patients could start saving on their medications from it, simply fill out the form below.


Sobre a TroyRx
A TroyRx melhora a experiência de prescrição utilizando dois subconjuntos de produtos; SecureRx é uma solução de segurança de impressão de Rx em papel normal e OptionRx é um plano autónomo de cobertura de medicamentos sujeitos a receita médica que oferece transparência de preços para os pacientes encontrarem o melhor preço possível em mais de 100.000 medicamentos genéricos e de marca.

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